Fies Group develops an online training course on risk prevention against Covid-19 in educational centers

A few weeks before the children's return to school, there are still many questions in the air regarding how this beginning of the 20-21 course.


On March 14, the government declared a state of alarm to face the expansion of the coronavirus. The attempt to reduce the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 was based mainly on measures to avoid social interactions; In this sense, movements within the national and international scope were restricted and all non-essential activities were closed and the educational centers closed.

In this sense, the pandemic has implied the need to take prevention and protection measures that have forced a rethinking of the organization of multiple activities in order to safely resume them. The recovery of activity in educational centers must accordingly be adapted to these measures.

For this reason, FIES Group, a training center with more than 20 years of experience, which develops its activity in the field of emergencies, prevention and health, provides online training on the prevention of risks from Covid-19 in different educational centers in the country, aimed at teachers and staff of the center. 'In order for the return to the classroom to be safe and effective in the event of a possible outbreak of the pandemic, contingency plans must be developed and teacher training strengthened. From FIES Group, we have developed a virtual platform for training and information on the coronavirus, with the aim of providing sufficient knowledge about Covid-19, and minimizing the possibility of contagion and transmission to third parties, ' says Carles Galán, one of the responsible professionals of the company.

Impact of Covid-19 in children

Both boys and girls and adults can become infected and develop the disease. In the seroprevalence survey carried out at the national level to estimate the population affected by COVID-19 from a representative sample, an estimated prevalence of SARS-CoV2 infection in the population as a whole of 5% was found . In the child population, the prevalences based on these estimates are higher than those derived from detected cases, since they include not only the most serious cases. In the 10-14 year-old group, a prevalence of 3.9% is estimated, followed by those 15-19 years with 3.8%. The estimates for the 5-9 year olds have been 3% and for the youngest, 0 to 4 years old 2.2%. 'The infection rate in boys and girls is much lower than in the adult population, and the symptoms are much milder. In addition, it is estimated that 50% are asymptomatic. However, and until studies show it, it remains to be confirmed the ability to infect that children have. We know that they are transmitters of the disease but the degree to which it is unknown , ' says Antoni Albiach, one of the health professionals at the FIES Group.

Protection measures in educational centers

'The two pillars in the control of the pandemic are reducing the transmission of the virus and increasing the traceability of cases. Therefore, so that the school year can be resumed with the maximum guarantees, it is advisable to organize stable coexistence groups to facilitate control in case of positivity and subsequent tracking; and continue with personal prevention measures. Hand hygiene is one of the most effective measures to preserve the health of students, as well as that of teaching and non-teaching staff, ' says Albiach, who indicates the need to have a ventilation, cleaning and disinfection plan adapted to the characteristics of the center. 'Ventilation is one of the main measures to prevent contagions indoors. It is necessary to ventilate the interior facilities at least before the entrance and exit of the students and 3 more times during the day, for 10 minutes each time. If time and environment permit, it is advisable to keep the windows open ' , concludes Albiach.